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1. Itinerary of Mines and Points of Interest in Mining and Geology in Portugal

Is access to the Itinerary website free or do I need a password?

Access is free and without need of registration or provision of personal information. You only need to register if you want to save your trips 


What is the Itinerary of Mines and Points of Interest in Mining and Geology in Portugal?

The Itinerary of Mines and Points of Interest in Mining and Geology in Portugal is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology -DGEG and Mining Development Company EDM and its main objectives are:

1. Give visibility to a number of existing initiatives (museums, mines, geological curiosities, etc.);

2. Promote scientific knowledge of the different locations based on existing information and initiatives;

3. Promote location visits (geographically positioning the sites, enabling the construction of itineraries and personal routes and providing logistical information to support the visitor);

4. Support the qualification of the local tourist offer.

Among these objectives we highlight the promotion of the use of mining territories and places of geological interest through various activities that we can call recreational/scientific, the attraction of a public interested in these issues, giving due visibility to initiatives already existing in the field under the responsibility of a diverse set of local actors.


Can I book visits through the Itinerary?

No. The Itinerary shows you the Points of interest for a visit and the conditions under which you can do it. The existence of the possibility of making a pre-booked visit and the contacts for possible booking are also presented.

2. Locations of Mining and Geological Interest in Portugal

How can I join the Itinerary and include information about a place that I think is of interest? 

To join the project you should contact DGEG by e-mail.

3. Portugal's Mining and Geological Interest Points

How can I identify a Point that has a certain type of offer? 

The easiest and quickest way to identify a Point with a specific offer is by searching (simple or advanced) by simple text. You can also search by pre-defined typology.