The GUIDE of the Portuguese Geological and Mines Sites manages this site with the objective of disseminating relevant information to the public within the scope of its activity. Although it intends to ensure the accuracy and permanent updating of the information and through the adoption of security measures, the GUIDE does not guarantee that any inaccuracies in the information provided cannot be detected, either through unconscious error or attempted fraud. The information available on this site is free and may be used freely provided the source of information is mentioned. However, its use for commercial or offensive purposes is prohibited. The content of this site is protected by Copyright and Related Rights and Industrial Property Rights under Portuguese and European Union laws and international conventions.
Copyright does not apply to speeches, statements, reports by members of government, although their authors, date and circumstances must be referred to. Links to other sites are provided, over which the GUIDE has no control therefore disclaiming all responsibility. Privacy and protection of the data registered by its users is provided for. In accordance with Law 67/98 of 26 October 1998 users are granted access to their data and can request in writing that they be updated, corrected or deleted using the script contact details available on this site. The data collected is processed automatically by the entity responsible for maintaining the files, and is intended only to provide a response to the needs of users of this website.