Home / Barroso Ecomuseum Interpretive Center of the Borralha Mines, Borralha

Site - Barroso Ecomuseum Interpretive Center of the Borralha Mines, Borralha

The awareness of the need to safeguard a vast industrial and mining heritage, in its multiple aspects, led the Municipality of Montalegre and the Barroso Ecomuseum to delineate a project, capable of assuming the responsibility of defining a local development strategy. Thus was born in 2015 the Barroso Ecomuseum - Interpretive Center of the Borralha Mines that aims to support the visit to the various infrastructures created during the operation of the mines extracting wolfram (1902-1986). The Group D (reception area), the Foundry, the House of Compressors and the Archives, recently-musealized buildings and where the documentary and geological assets are located. The existence of these mines, ex-libris of the Industrial and Mining Heritage, constituted an enormous geological / lithological wealth. The mineralization of Couto Mineiro da Borralha occurs in seams that can be grouped in two main types: I) quartz filaments with mineralization of volframite, scheelite and sulphides; And II) mineralized aplitopegmatites with cassiterite. The two pedestrian routes, currently already signposted, make known the entire mining area.


Entity: Município de Montalegre
Telephone: 276510200
Email: davidteixeira@cm-montalegre.pt
Address: Praça do Município, n.º 1  5470 - 214 Montalegre, Montalegre
Website: http://www.cm-montalegre.pt

Points of Interest to visit at this Location


Longitudinal building with four large compressors. Built in the decade of 1930, musealized in 2015. It's a case to say that contains real iron monsters.  

Pension | Offices

Building with two floors, working, at an initial stage only with dining room. The upper floor meant for Mina workers in general, the lower floor served as a restaurant for the direction of the mine on one side and specialized personnel on t ...

Reception | Grupo D

Central point of the entire mining village, recently museum. Its buildings have had several uses over the years, especially the bakery and cinema. In this area, a vertical (double) winch was built in 1941 to extract crude ore, with two mine ...

Trilho do Mineiro

O trilho do Farrista desenvolve-se ao longo de caminhos e carreiros tradicionais que fizeram parte da vida da população da Borralha. Durante o trilho, que terá a duração de cerca de 2 horas, irá conseguir ver a Lavaria Nova, os compressores ...