Home / Canteiro Museum, Alcains

Site - Canteiro Museum, Alcains

The Canteiro Museum is owned by the Castelo Branco Town Hall and is managed by ALBIGEC (Municipal Company). In addition to the permanent exposition dedicated to the work in the site, the Museum also presents a variety of temporary expositions.


Entity: Algibec - empresa de gestão de equipamentos culturais, desportivos e de lazer, E.M.
Telephone: 272900220
Email: museudocanteiro@gmail.com
Address: Museu do Canteiro Rua das Fontainhas, 1, Alcains
Website: http://www.cm-castelobranco.pt/index.php?link=mcanteiro


Folheto de divulgação do Museu do Canteiro

Points of Interest to visit at this Location

Museu do Canteiro

This exhibition shows the several stages of stonework. It shows the oldest and most traditional tools used by stone workers throughout several operations, ando also its innovations, leading to its replacement with machinery. The pictures sh ...