Home / Museu do Quartzo - Centro de Interpretação Galopim de Carvalho, Viseu

Site - Museu do Quartzo - Centro de Interpretação Galopim de Carvalho, Viseu

The project that fits the Quartz Museum aimed at upgrading the Monte de Santa Luzia, which for some years has been the target of exploitation of this mineral. The use of this resource left a crater, as a window opened in the earth's crust that is worth watching. At the request of the City Hall of Viseu, the National Museum of Natural History, conceived a project to value the site, involving its acceptance as a geomonument.


Entity: Município de Viseu
Telephone: 232427427
Email: geral@cmviseu.pt
Address: Praça da República s/n, Viseu
Fax: 232423112
Website: http://www.cm-viseu.pt

Points of Interest to visit at this Location

Museu do Quartzo  -  Centro de Interpretação Galopim de Carvalho

The Museum was designed with two floors with a total area of 1240 square meters. The building has a lower floor, which includes the permanent exhibition dedicated to quartz, with a strong interactive component where the mineral is explored ...