In November 3rd, 2012 was inaugurated the House of Parideiras Stones - Interpretation Centre. This is a house that aims to contribute to the conservation, understanding and appreciation of this important geological heritage and to promote its tourist and educational visits. From a geological point of view, this geosite corresponds to a small granitic body, with approximate area of ??1 km2 and an estimated age of 313-320 Ma, known as nodular Granite Castanheira. This name comes from its proximity to the village of Castanheira and nodular texture of this granite, which gives it unique features in Portugal and as far as we know, anywhere else in the world. The nodules have a variable size between 1 and 12 cm and are made externally by a biotite cover and internally by a quartz-feldspathic core, performing strongly flattened, with a differentiated distribution and well-defined orientation within the granitic body.
The Braçal mining complex includes the Braçal, Malhada and Coval da Mó mines and extends along the Mau River, on the eastern slope of the Serra do Braçal. This complex is the oldest Portuguese mining concession, registered under number 1, a ...
It tells the story of a territory, disclosing its heritage and elements of cultural and ethnographic interest. It is also a place where one investigates, protects and learns about Sever do Vouga's heritage. It approaches Archeology in Terra ...
The Stone Museum of Marco de Canaveses is more than what you see. The permanent exhibition is the first step of a project to extend the Museum to other places. In the future it will be a polynuclear museum. Larger, dynamic and innovative. ...