Currently abandoned, the Rio de Frades Tin and Tungsten Mines were exploited by the Companhia Mineira do Norte de Portugal (Northern Portugal Mining Company), of German ownership, which was at its height during the Second World War. According to the Company reports, during this period the old mining gallery, called Vale da Cerdeira, was the most productive in terms of Wolframium from amongst the Couto Mineiro [Mining Area], and today it is still possible to safely travel through its interior along a footpath of approximately 400m, which brings memories from the past mining histories. In addition to all of the adventure related to travelling through the gallery, the surrounding area transforms it into a privileged location. In front of the entrance is a panoramic view over the ruins of the Rio de Frades Mining Complex. After crossing through the gallery, we can see a beautiful, crystalline water fall which pertains to an affluent stream of the Rio de Frades, where it is possible to enjoy contact with Nature in an almost completely wild condition. The cultural and historical characteristics as well the traditions related to the presence of the Germans during World War II add to the attraction. As a result of this presence, the region received significant improvements, such as roads, electrification of the mining installations, and telephone networks.
The Braçal mining complex includes the Braçal, Malhada and Coval da Mó mines and extends along the Mau River, on the eastern slope of the Serra do Braçal. This complex is the oldest Portuguese mining concession, registered under number 1, a ...
It tells the story of a territory, disclosing its heritage and elements of cultural and ethnographic interest. It is also a place where one investigates, protects and learns about Sever do Vouga's heritage. It approaches Archeology in Terra ...
The Stone Museum of Marco de Canaveses is more than what you see. The permanent exhibition is the first step of a project to extend the Museum to other places. In the future it will be a polynuclear museum. Larger, dynamic and innovative. ...