The Braçal mining complex includes the Braçal, Malhada and Coval da Mó mines and extends along the Mau River, on the eastern slope of the Serra do Braçal. This complex is the oldest Portuguese mining concession, registered under number 1, a ...
This geosite is an outcropping found in the slope of the road near the settlement of Chao de Espinho. It is a location which proves the even earlier state of the evolution of orthogonal fracturing of the Quartz Diorite Mass. The network of joints of this body divide it into smaller and larger blocks, which look like thick street tiles. The weathering is even more accentuated on the joint surface planes given the more intense circulation of infiltration waters. Given that the degree of weathering of the vertices is greater than of the sides, the blocks tend to become increasingly rounded and then separate from one another. Here the separation characteristic "onion peel" can be clearly observed, in which the most external surface is much more sanded in contrast to the less altered quartz diorite in the nucleus of the block.
The Braçal mining complex includes the Braçal, Malhada and Coval da Mó mines and extends along the Mau River, on the eastern slope of the Serra do Braçal. This complex is the oldest Portuguese mining concession, registered under number 1, a ...
It tells the story of a territory, disclosing its heritage and elements of cultural and ethnographic interest. It is also a place where one investigates, protects and learns about Sever do Vouga's heritage. It approaches Archeology in Terra ...
The Stone Museum of Marco de Canaveses is more than what you see. The permanent exhibition is the first step of a project to extend the Museum to other places. In the future it will be a polynuclear museum. Larger, dynamic and innovative. ...