Portas de Almourão Geomonument is an enchanted place where Ocreza disembowelled the intensely deformed quarzite cliffs with its erosive force over time. From the lookout points it is possible to see the Foz do Cobrao and the Sobral Fernando (thematic lookout points). The Portas de Almourão are comprised of an impressive throat which has been excavated by the Ocreza River during the last two million years, and divides the Talhadas Mountains into two powerful quartzite crystals. Walking through this saddle of 400m of depth is to make a journey through time, back almost 500 million years, up to a period in which the hard quartzite was made of fine sands deposited on the bottom of a vast ocean. A continental mega collision and 140 million years were needed for this deformation, to erect them from the bottom of the oceans to the most elevated peaks of these mountains, over more than 300 million years ago. 250 million years of chemical alterations of the rocks and erosion configured the Almourão region into the colossal landscape that we can appreciate today. In this location the silence of the geological convulsions from other eras is only interrupted by the flight of a griffin. In addition to the diverse lookouts from which to observe the geomonumnet, there are foot trails related to the "Schist Path." Flight of the Griffin", "Secrets of the Almourao Valley" and "Trip to the Bones of the Earth."